
毕志伟(Nick Zhiwei Bi)



姓名:毕志伟 Nick Zhiwei Bi               性别: 

职称:特聘副教授   (Associate Professor)  学历:博士研究生(PhD)

学位: 教育学博士(Doctor of Philosophy in Education)

Email: nick.zhiwei.bi@usst.edu.cn    

研究方向 (Research Areas)  语法及语用测试研究、二语测试及学习策略研究、英语教学、学术写作 (grammar and pragmatics assessment, L2 strategic processing in language use and test taking, language teaching, academic writing)


学习和工作简历(Qualification and Working Experience)


           Master of Professional Accounting, Monash University;

20104月毕业于澳大利亚悉尼大学, 获应用语言学硕士学位

           Master of Applied Linguistics, University of Sydney;

20141月获得英国剑桥大学英语教师证书 (Cambridge CELTA);

20155月毕业于悉尼大学, 获英语教育学博士学位

           Doctor of Philosophy in Education, University of Sydney;

20095月至20167月 在澳大利亚悉尼大学工作 (University of Sydney), 担任兼任讲师 (Sessional Lecturer);

20121月至20167月 在澳大利亚悉尼大学工作 (University of Sydney), 担任助理研究员 (Research Assistant);

20137月至20141月 在澳大利亚麦考瑞大学工作 (Macquarie University), 担任兼任讲师 (Sessional Lecturer);

201610月至今 在上海理工大学工作 (USST), 同年10月晋升为特聘副教授 (Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics and TESOL).


教学及科研项目 (Research and Teaching Grants)

1.科研项目 (Research Grants)

(1) 2017-2020

主持教育部人文社科青年项目“中国理工科大学生英语校准和策略能力相关性研究”  (Principal Investigator, research supported by Chinese Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Research Fund);

(2) 2018-2019 

主持全国高校外语教学科研项目:Fleeco理工学术写作测试任务构建和应用研究” (Principal Investigator, National SFLEP research project supported by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press);

(3) 2018-2019

主持上海理工大学人文社科重点项目“构念相关及不相关策略能力对大学生英语测试的影响”(Principal Investigator, research supported by USST Humanities and Social Science Research Fund);

(4) 2016-2018

上海市高校“青年东方学者” 研究资金 (Young Oriental Scholar of Shanghai Research Fund);

(5) 2013-2014

主持国际英语语言教育研究基金会博士论文科研资金项目(Principal Investigator, supported by The International Research Foundation for English Language Education TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant).

2. 教学项目 (Teaching Project Grants)

(1) 2018-2019 Fleeco外语教育数字资源联合研究中心项目,主持“理工学术英语写作测试资源库“分项目;

(2) 2018上海市高校本科重点改革项目 “理工院校学术英语多维立体化教学模式构建” (排名第三)


教学及科研成果: (Research and Awards)

1.论文 (Recent Publications)

(1) The effectiveness of construct-relevant and -irrelevant cognitive processes on Chinese EFL learners’ test performance. In R. M. Damerow & K. M. Bailey (eds.), Global Research on Teaching and Learning English- Chinese-speaking volume. New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis). 2019

(2) Investigating test-takers’ strategy use in task-based L2 pragmatic speaking assessment. Intercultural Pragmatics, 16(2), 185–218. 2019

(3) Review of Corpus Linguistics for Vocabulary: A Guide for Research. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2019

(4) Assessing EFL students’ lexico-grammar test performance consistency. In M. A. Christison & N. Saville (eds.), Advancing the Field of Language Assessment. Studies in Language Testing (SiLT). Volume 42. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2017

(5) Assessing lexico-grammatical abilities and strategic processes of ESL international students: A case of Chinese learners of English. In Fox, J. & Aryadoust, V. (eds.), Current trends in language testing in the Pacific Rim and the Middle East: Policies, analysis, and diagnosis. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2016

(6) Factor structure and factorial invariance of language tests: A multi-sample CFA longitudinal study. Foreign Language Testing and Teaching, 6(3), 16-27. 2016

2. 主要国际学术会议发言 (Recent Conference Papers)

(1)2019, May. Exploring university student’s perceptions on the effectiveness of EAP courses: A mixed-method approach. Paper presented at the 5th China EAP Association Annual Conference & the 4th International Symposium on EAP in Asian, Shanghai, China.

(2)2018, December. Examining the effectiveness of construct-relevant and irrelevant cognitive processes on test takers’ performance over time. Paper presented at International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment (ICLTA), Beijing, China.

(3)2018, September. The cognitive validity of task-based role-play pragmatic assessments. Paper presented at the 2018 International Symposium on Language Testing, Shanghai, China.

(4)2018, August. Examining L2 test takers’ strategic behaviors in test performance. Paper presented 2018 TESOL International Association China Assembly, Shanghai, China.

(5)2017, March. ESL learners’ strategic processing in role-playing pragmatic tasks in academic settings. Paper presented at the 40th at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual Conference 2017, Portland, US.

(6)2015, November. The impact of construct relevant and irrelevant strategic processing on lexico-grammar test performance: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the 3rd combined conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) and the Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ), Adelaide, Australia.

(7)2015, March. Modeling the relationships between construct-relevant and -irrelevant strategic behaviors and lexico-grammar test performance. Paper presented at the 37th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), Toronto, Canada.

(8)2014, August. Assessing test-takers' strategic processing and lexico-grammar test performances over time. Paper presented at the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

(9)2014, March. Exploring L2 test-takers' strategic competence and their lexico-grammar test performances over time. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual Conference 2014, Portland, US.

(10)2013, November. Assessing EFL students’ lexico-grammatical performance consistency. Paper presented at the 3rd combined conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) and the Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ), Wellington, New Zealand.

(11)2013, July. An investigation into the nature of strategic competence through test-takers’ lexico-grammatical test performance. Paper presented at the 35th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC 2013), Seoul, South Korea.



1. 科研奖项 (Research Awards)

(1)2016上海市“青年东方学者”, (Young Oriental Scholar of Shanghai);

(2)2014 教育测试服务奖 (The Educational Testing Service Award), 美国应用语言学协会American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 颁发;

(3)2013韩礼德教授奖学金 (M.A.K. Halliday Award), 澳大利亚应用语言学协会The Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) 颁发;

(4)2013澳洲应用语言学协会会议旅行奖学金 (ALAA Travel Scholarship), 澳大利亚应用语言学协会Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) 颁发;

(5)2013 ILTA研究生会议奖 (ILTA Student Travel Award) 国际语言测试协会International Language Testing Association (ILTA) 颁发;

(6)2012 首届ALTAANZ学术会议最优秀(唯一)研究生会议论文宣读奖 (ALTAANZ Best Student Paper Presentation Award), 澳大利亚及新西兰语言测试评估协会 (ALTAANZ) 颁发。

2. 教学奖项 (Teaching and Supervision Awards)

(1)2018 第三届全国高校学术英语教学公开课暨竞赛一等奖(冠军)The Winner (1st Prize) in the 3rd National EAP Teaching Competition and The EAP Teaching Demonstration Teacher Title, organized by China English for Academic Purposes Association (CEAPA) & Shanghai Advisory Committee on College English Teaching;

(2)2018 第四届中国外语微课大赛上海市三等奖

(3) 2018 第一届全国学术英语微课视频大赛二等奖

(4) 2018 上海理工大学教学技能竞赛二等奖(微课)

(5) 2018 上海理工大学外语学院教学技能竞赛特等奖(微课)

(6) 2018 上海理工大学外语学院教学技能竞赛一等奖 (课件组)

(7) 2018 上海理工大学教学成果奖特等奖“三维一体理工学术英语教学模式探索与实践” (参与)

(8) 2017 上海高校大学英语教学指导委员会优秀教学成果奖 “理工类学术英语读写一体化的教学与评估探索” (排名第二)

(9) 2017-2019 “大学生国际学术研讨会”优秀论文 (一等奖) 指导老师 (连续三届) Best Research Paper Supervisor Award for 3rd, 4th and 5th International Collegiate Conference